Friday, February 8, 2008

This diagram is the dog’s bollocks!

Are you weary of getting grief from your Scottish, Irish and/or British friends because of your sometimes obvious lack of knowledge about their homeland? This helpful diagram from Things Of Interest can help you sort it out (or sort you out, as the case may be).

As the author states, it’s not an exhaustive list of the islands within the British Isles, but it’s a simple, helpful display that works really well.

If you’re a big nerd, you might like to know that this is not a Venn Diagram but a Euler Diagram. If you’re a bigger nerd, you might get bent out of shape that some parts of this diagram are technically unassigned (for instance, are their things in the British Isles besides Ireland and the United Kingdom?), but to you I say settle down, grab a pint and get yourself bladdered. You obviously need it.

Found via Neatorama.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Three comments for the price of one:
1. "Stay tuned! Next time, we diagram the Colonies!"
2. Why in the name of the Queen isn't the Guiness brewery on this bloody thing?
3. Hey look, they re-routed the map of the tube system so it goes in circles.
This is clearly a mis-placed effort. I'm off to enter the caption contest at, "I Can't Believe It's Not Better."
- DY