Thursday, June 26, 2008

The sincerest form of flattery

I went to the Mets vs. Mariners game last night (thanks for the invite, KF!) and my friends and I had a good chuckle when I pointed out the Geico and Casio logos on the outfield wall at Shea Stadium.

I’ve done installation checks for outfield wall advertising before. And I know that in the negotiation process for a sponsorship deal like this there’s a lot of discussion about what other advertisers’ logos are in the stadium, specifically in nearby areas or areas with similar sight lines. As such, I can’t believe this happened.

It’s bad enough that the Geico logo (which I have to assume is predated by the Casio logo) looks like such a copy job when compared side-by-side. But actually putting these logos side by side for thousands of fans to see again and again kills me.

Here’s a larger comparison (sorry for the lame cell-phone pic above):

1 comment:

tribalm said...

So true.